Navaratri --- 9 Nights of Pure Contradictions

Let’s talk about Time today. In the classical mechanics, Newton tried to define time as, “Absolute, true and mathematical time, of itself, and from its own nature flows equably without regard to anything external, and by another name is called duration: relative, apparent and common time, is some sensible and external (whether accurate or unequable) measure of duration by the means of motion, which is commonly used instead of true time”. So Newton suggested that human mind can only sense relative time, where Absolute Time is a completely independent entity. Let’s continue the concept a bit further, which our Newton Sir skipped to describe. Think of a subset completely independent of its superset. If that condition holds true, then both the sets are mutually exclusive and that makes two independent sets; no subset-superset relation exists. So that is impossible. Similarly, Time, be it relative or not, if is a subset of Absolute Time must satisfy one or more relation with it. There comes the concept of ‘Continuous Present’(नित्यवर्त्तमान). It’s hard to think but let us try. Think of Time as a non mobile space. Time is not an entity that flows by in a specific direction. Being a perfect scalar quantity, Time provides a space in the nature where all other elements tend to change in an almost circular motion, working with acute contradiction(দ্বন্দ্ব). It’s hard to get out of this motion to experience the space that Time provides, which is why in ‘Srimat Bhagwad Geeta’ Lord said “द्वंद्वै विमुका सुख दुःख संगै गच्छंति मूढ़ो पदमव्ययं तत”. Then technically it is almost impossible to experience the space provided by time and escape the universal direction of circular movement.
Mother Nature is never that rude to us. She always provides a window of opportunity to escape. So She provided four ‘Sandhya’sin a day. There comes the real concept of Sandhya. I don’t know any perfect English translation of the word Sandhya. Sandhya comes four times a day providing the junction of acute contradictions. Let’s have a look:
1.       The UShA: the junction between night and day.
2.       The madhyaHNNa: the junction between Sun’s relative movements.
3.       The sAyaHNNa: the junction between day and night.
4.       The ardharAtra: the junction between Sun’s relative movements.
That explains a lot why people have been advised to stay calm and still during a Sandhya. Bramhins are given strict rules to perform Sandhya Vandan during these times as the frequency of a Bramhin mind tends to be more vulnerable during these four times of a day. These are the times where nature provides a window of opportunity to escape the contradictions and get into the space provided by the Absolute Time. 

(to be continued …..)


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

Maa Ghagar Buri (Part-I)

শ্রী শ্রী মনসা
