Skanda -- the True Leader . . . .
-- “ke janto maa Durga r kathamo r upekkhito chheleti r eto mahatmyo?”(who knew, the most neglected boy of Durga-kathamo has such magnanimity?) Thank you, dada. These words of yours set my path to another horizon. And I got out of me in search of Skanda. Kumar Kartikeya, the warlord of the Gods, a General with an invincible army of Gods, a face of bravery, an epitome of beauty. But what do we know about Him? Who is He? The son of Lord Shiva and brother of Lord Ganesha! Just another demi-god in the list of Indian mythology! Or He is too good to hide Himself deep within the unknown! In this search we have nothing with us. We don’t know, where to or how to find Him. This journey runs with a heart full of love and questions at the same time. Who can describe or define Him better than himself? So we started our search. From the deepest forests to the pages of hidden ancient scriptures,...